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Sep 28, 2010

Mind Map "Identity"


This is Mind Map "Identity"


Mind Map Guidlines


This is Mind Map Guidlines


How To Mind Map For Study Success


How can you mind map? Below is a step by step process on how you can create a mindmap. The example used is preparing an event (i.e. school ball), but you could mindmap anything else (e.g. subjects).

Step 1: Grab some coloured pens/pencils, a blank piece of paper and turn it sideways. In the centre of the page draw the first image that comes to mind on the topic you are mindmapping. Label the image.

Step 2: Branch off from your central image and create one of your main ideas (think of each branch as being like a chapter in a book). Label the branch. You can also draw a picture for it.

Step 3: From your main branches draw some sub-branches and from those sub-branches you can draw even more branches. What you are beginning to do is create associations between ideas.

Step 4: Draw pictures for each branch or for as many branches as possible. Make each picture as absurd, funny and/or exaggerated as possible. The reason for this is that we think in pictures and remember vivid, exaggerated images more easily.

Step 5: Draw another main branch but this time use a different colour. Colour helps to seperate out different ideas and keeps your mind stimulated). Draw sub-branches and pictures. If you get bored at any stage, move on and create another branch.

Stage 6: Keep repeating the above process (different colours, main branch, sub-branches and absurd pictures). Make sure each branch is curved and not a straight line. The brain is more stimulated by curved lines.

Step 7: Voila! You have created a mind map. Remember, it doesn’t have to be a work of art. Allow yourself to be as messy and creative as you like. It doesn’t matter if other people can’t understand your mind map. You just need to be able to.

by: Jane

Mind Map "Behaviour Change Program"


This is Mind Map "Behaviour Change Program"

by: live-the-solution.com

Mind Map "Impacts"


This is Mind Map "Impacts"

by: live-the-solution.com

Mind Map "Solving Global Warming"


Mind Map "Solving Global Warming"

by : learningfundamentals.com.au

Sep 27, 2010

Mind Map "Criticism"


Mind Map "Criticism"


Mind Map "Conecting Across The World"


Mind Map "Conecting Across The World"


Innovation And Mind Mapping


Innovation And Mind Mapping


How To Use Mind Mapping


How To Use Mind Mapping


Mind Map "Marie Curie Bio"


Mind Map Marie Curie Bio

Manfaat Mind Map


Manfaat Mind Map

Dunia Anak Kita

Mind Map "Gaya Belajarku"


Mind Map "Gaya Belajarku"

Dunia Anak Kita

Sep 26, 2010

Mind Maps


This is Mind Maps

Mind Mapping


Mind Mapping


Mind Map "Building Learning Power"


This is Mind Map "Building Learning Power"


Mind Map Benefits


This is Mind Map Benefits

by Herry Prilianto

Similar to a road map, a Mind Map® will:
• Give you an overview of a large subject/area
• Enable you to plan routes/make choices and let you know where you are going and where you have been
• Gather and hold large amounts of data
• Encourage problem solving by seeing new creative pathways
• Enable you to be extremely efficient
• Be enjoyable to look at, read, muse over and remember
• Attract and hold the eye/brain
• Use Mind Maps® to aid your recall in many situations- including you need to remember the contents meetings, seminars, books or professional journals.

What do Mind Map® users think of the Buzan techniques?

"It's as if you have been driving all your life with a dirty windscreen and suddenly Mind Maps® clear it for you." ... Mr Ahmed, Director, Bangs, Bahrain

"Buzan's Mind Mapping techniques have been an incredibly powerful tool for us in our offices. It is amazing how it has opened up our thinking and organisational processes. We use Mind Maps® for meeting agendas, brainstorming problems, organisational charts, and general note-taking and report summaries. This is the "tool" that is a must for your "tool-bag" of the future." ... William L. Maxillae, Vice-President, Fluor Daniel. USA

"Mind Maps¨ have the enormous advantage over other methods of thinking and note taking in that they enable complex problems to be described on a single page, allowing them to be viewed as a whole. They offer the further advantage that, as the appreciation of a problem grows, they can be expanded or even re-written, with little effort." ... Dr Tony Turrill, author 'Transforming Doctor's Dilemmas - A Management Development Manual for Doctors and their Managerial Colleagues.' UK.

"Our Mind Map® based courses have produced the best graduating grades ever. Mind Map® teaching is definitively the teaching tool of the future." ...Jean Luc Kastner, Senior Manager, Hewlett Packard Medical Products. Germany

"If the brain is a lock - the Mind Map® is the key." ...Bob Pike, President & C.E.O. Creating Training Techniques Int. USA

"As a brain storming technique, it literally fires the imagination and we have found ideas pouring out in new and exciting ways with a proliferation we had never before experienced." ... Sean Adams, President, Alpha Learning. Holland

"Mind Mapping is immediately transferable, very useable, highly dynamic and the best communication technology I have seen in years." ....Army, United States Department of Defence.

"Mind Mapping is the most important thing I have ever learned in my business life." ...Sultan Kermally, Director, Economist Conferences.

What Is Mind Map?


What is Mind Map?

Mind Maps® act as the 'Swiss Army Knife of the brain' allowing you to improve and accelerate your learning and thinking skills.

Our brains are divided into the left and right cortex. The left side is dedicated to tasks involving order, logic, words, lists, numbers and analysis, the right side deals with rhythm, colour, imagination and daydreaming. If we want to improve memory, learning and thinking skills we have to use the whole brain.

What is a Mind Map®?
A Mind Map® is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical skills - word, image, number, logic, rhythm, colour and spatial awareness - in a single, uniquely powerful manner. In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam the infinite expanses of your brain.

The Mind Map® can be applied to every aspect of life where improved learning and clearer thinking will enhance human performance. Originated in 1970 by Tony Buzan, Mind Maps® are now used by millions of people around the world - from the very young to the very old - whenever they wish to use there brains more effectively.

Mind Map "Correct Formula"



8 The Secrets of Leadership


Mind Map 8 The Secrets of Leadership, by Jennifer Goddard

Mind Map "Tony Buzan Bio"


Tony Buzan is the inventor of the now world-renowned Mind Map, and is well-known as an educational consultant, speaker and prolific author. His invention of Mind Mapping in the late 1960s was born out of frustration with traditional note taking revision techniques. He has since developed the Mind Map technique through books, TV appearances and his work as a highly-regarded speaker. Through iMindMap, Tony and Chris have finally established a synthesis between interactive, intelligent software and the creative freedom of a sketched Mind Map.

Tony’s accomplishments are vast and numerous:

* The world’s leading author on the brain and learning (over 100 authored and co-authored books to date).
* The world’s top lecturer on the brain and learning. Tony Buzan has lectured to audiences ranging from five-year-old children to first-class Oxbridge graduates, to the world’s top business directors, and to the leading organisations and governments.
* Named in 1994 by Forbes magazine as one of five top international lecturers along with Mikhail Gorbachev, Henry Kissinger and Margaret Thatcher.
* Recognised with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the prestigious American Creativity Association (ACA) .
* Founder of the World Memory Championships.
* Founder of the World Speed Reading Championships.
* Buzan’s books and other products have achieved massive success in more than 150 countries and 30 languages.
* Inventor of Mind Maps, the thinking tool described as 'the Swiss army knife of the brain', now used by over 250 million people worldwide.
* Previous editor of the international journal of MENSA.
* International business consultant to major multinationals including: BP, Barclays International, General Motors, Walt Disney, Oracle, Microsoft, HSBC, British Telecom, IBM, British Airways.
* Consultant and adviser to governments and government organisations including: England, Singapore, Mexico, Australia, the Gulf States and Liechtenstein.
* A global media personality, having appeared on over 100 hours of national and global television, and over 1000 hours of national and international radio. He has been seen and heard by an estimated three billion-plus people!
* Waterstones book shops and the Express Newspaper group have recently selected one of Tony's books, 'Use Your Head', as one of the 1000 greatest books of the past millennium. They are simultaneously recommending it as an essential part of the 1000-book library for the current millennium - the Millennium of the Mind.

Buzan shows corporate executives how to hotwire their creative energies.”
Forbes Magazine

Tony Buzan is the Neil Armstrong of the mind! His Mind Map Book is the next giant leap for mankind.”
Michael Gelb, author of Thinking for a Change and Present Yourself

I have used Tony Buzan’s techniques for the past ten years and find them enormously helpful in writing my books and as an aid to the creative process.”
Deepak Chopra, Bestselling Author and Philosopher

Tony Buzan has done it again... make your mind work better.”
Ken Blanchard, author of the multimillion bestselling book The One Minute Manager

Mind Maps are indispensible in the business world.”
Nicky Oppenheimer, Chairman of DeBeers

Tony Buzan was a mesmerizing speaker...in a few hours he communicated to a business audience the practical portion of what I had spent four years studying.”
Stephen C Lundin, author of the five-million-copy bestselling FISH!

The use of Mind Mapping is an integral part of my Quality Improvement Project at Boeing. This has provided savings of over $10 million for my organisation.”
Mike Stanley, Boeing Corporation

Tony didn’t invent the brain – he did invent the instructions.”
John Husbands, Institute of Management

Tony Buzan will do for the brain what Stephen Hawking did for the universe...there can be no clearer or more effective mental tool than Tony Buzan’s Mind Maps.”
Raymond Keene, The Times

Tony Buzan is a man on an impressive mission - to unlock the power of our brains and show us how to tap and use our creative genius.”
His Excellency Dr Abdul Hussein Ali Mirza, Minister for Oil & Gas, Bahrain


Mind Map Law


This is Mind Map Laws


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